Tonight night we kick off the first set of Styled Family Mini Sessions. I'm weirdly excited and trying to put a finger on why that is. I never really saw family mini sessions as being my jam, but earlier this summer I was inspired to create fun, fast, *styled* sessions that would fit the bill for what people have needed. The inspiration to create the sessions just wouldn't leave, so here we are, and here I am, more excited than ever, and I'm all what-is-this??
I think it's because I believe that these sessions marry the things that so many moms think they can't have when it comes to photo shoots. I created these sessions for you. I thought about what you deal with, and the fight you go through to get your people in front of the camera. I was having a conversation with a friend the other night, and we talked, and she felt the same things that you all feel. Prepping for a photoshoot as a mom is hard work. It is a WHOLE thing. Immediately your mind goes to outfits, and how to pull everyone's look together in a way that's perfect. And then you think about your two year old, and how he likely isn't going to cooperate. And then there's the fact that your husband would just as soon let the photo shoot go. And then there's that stubborn baby weight that ain't nobody got time to lose when they're chasing kids around and it feels like the nail in the coffin for why you should just let it go. Because it's HARD. Because it's work. Because it takes emotional energy that you don't know if you have. Next year, right?
Listen guys. I hear you. I feel you. I've been inside that head of yours, and I get it. I think the thing we fool ourselves into thinking is that we need to be perfect for photos to happen. We don't. Perfection is not the point of family photographs. Or at least it's not the point of mine. It is about capturing life and relationship and your imperfectly beautiful right now existence. It's not about having the cutest Christmas card so all your friends ooh and aah. (We're totally gonna shoot for that fun photo, but it's not the point.) It's about freezing time and remembering the way big blue eyes stare up at you, and how darling her grin looks with teeth missing, and they won't be this age forever, you know?
Don't let Pinterest fool you into thinking the reason for photographs is perfect outfits and props and all the stuff. That stuff is fun, sure, but we miss it when it becomes the point of the session. It's about FAMILY. It's about love. It's about being able to pull these photos out someday and remember who you were as a family in 2015. Wherever you step in front of a camera, it doesn't have to be mine, just DO step in front of one with your people in the season that you're in. It's worth it. Your 2025 self will thank you, if you're here. And if you aren't, those photos will mean infinitely more to those who love you. Your grown children will thank you when you're all digging through old photographs at some Christmas in the future. You will laugh together over what you thought were the best outfits at the time.
Photos are like the evidence that there's been this glue of sticky, messy love holding us together all along.
Forget all of the excuses. Put on the clothes that live in your closet. It doesn't need to be perfect. You don't need to head to Anthropologie for a new outfit, fun as that would be. Get in front of a camera with your people. It's about belonging, and documenting that belonging. It's about remembering what love feels like when a chubby palm wraps its whole self around your one finger for a bit of balance.
Forget perfection. You heard me. No one needs another overly starched photograph of everyone looking just so. But remembering the way love and family felt in this season? That matters and that's why you get in front of a lens.
If this crazy photo rant was for you, you'll find a link HERE to do something about it. Photos matter. Documenting your right now life matters.