You know those friends whose presence in your life LITERALLY changes the course, the direction, the trajectory of your life? I have a friend like that. She knows my story from front to back, all the highs and drama, and all the boring middle parts, too.
If you know her, you know that she IS her name...
Her name is Jewel.
She is a jewel, a gem, a diamond, a pearl.
She's come through the fire and she offers something priceless.
Her own experience. Her story.
Jewel and I have processed out the good, the bad, the ugly/beautiful over cup after cup of coffee (or in her case, hot chocolate). I've been changed by her kindness, by her wisdom, by her choice to LOVE with tenacity when it would be easier to simply shrink away from relationship.
Jewel is a writer, a poet, an artist soul.
One way that I understand ART is that it is at it's core, an offering, a gift to those it touches.
Jewel has been sharing, offering, blessing me with her art for years. Awhile ago, I asked her if she'd share her art here too, on this blog. Earlier this week I received a very tentative email from her with a guest blog post.
I am SO excited to share it with all of you.
Her steady presence in my life has breathed grace into my dark corners, and when you hear her heart, it will do that for you too…
Ocean Enough
- Jewel Gingerich
I am not an ocean expert but I hear oceans are full of life. I hear the ocean depths can cleanse itself of many ills. I hear this vast phenomenon covers the majority of the earth’s surface, surrounding the small islands we call home.
The ocean is at rest, yet always in motion. Sometimes I can see the motion and sometimes its still waters hide the life stirring underneath the surface. These uncharted waters of the deep are not shaken as storms rise and winds blow.
The ocean shares its glory by entering our turf. Pockets of water bubble up across our land and invite us to wade in. The faithful tide offers again. A stream forges its way through barren land and I wonder…
Is there more?
I think I was made to swim and this ocean smells, sounds, feels like home. That river I followed led to a body of water more vast than I dared hope.
This is God’s Love and it is an ocean, surrounding us and lapping at our hearts to dive in. When we seek more than the limited scope of earthly life, our abandoned voyage will lead us home. The depths of Love will cleanse us far more perfectly and gently than our own scrubbing ever could. Rest within the waters will restore us. Still waters will strengthen us. Surrender to the process will perfect the pearl in us.
Love beckons from the shore. Pick up the seashells scattered on your sands and listen to the sound of the ocean calling. There is more than mud puddles of Love. There is ocean enough for you and it is here, in the stirring of the waters, where you will find healing.
“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Ephesians 3:18-20 NLT